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EMS SQL Manager For PostgreSQL 6.0.1 (Build 53431)

"EMS SQL Manager For PostgreSQL 6.0.1 (Build 53431)" is an innovative, powerful and easy-to-use tool for working with PostgreSQL databases. It builds on the features of "EMS SQL Manager For MySQL" and introduces many new ones that are specifically designed to meet the needs of PostgreSQL users. The program allows you to work with all types of information stored in a database - from simple data types such as INT or DATE, to complex ones such as ARRAY or UDT. It has a convenient graphical interface that allows you not only browse your data but also edit it, including support for various SQL commands - CREATE, SHOW, INSERT INTO, DELETE FROM etc. - and DDL (Data Definition Language) statements. "EMS SQL Manager For PostgreSQL 6.0.1 (Build 53431)" also supports schema management - you can manage table, view, index etc. schemas either directly in the program or by means of the integrated SQL editor. EMS SQL Manager For PostgreSQL 6.0.1 (Build 53431) delivers the following features: "EMS SQL Manager for PostgreSQL 6.0.1 (Build 53431)" is a free software product produced by EMS Corp., which is distributed under the GNU General Public License v2+. The source code can be found at . The program is available for Microsoft Windows. It requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher. Windows users can download a 32-bit or a 64-bit version of the program from the EMS Corp web site. Additional information about "EMS SQL Manager For PostgreSQL 6.0.1 (Build 53431)" can be found at program is available for both Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. Information about "EMS SQL Manager For PostgreSQL 6.0.1 (Build 53431)" can be found at Business Software Alliance GPLPostgreSQL is a registered trademark of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group. EMS SQL Manager For PostgreSQL is not affiliated with the PostgreSQL Global Development Group.EMS SQL Manager For MySQL EMS SQL Manager For DB2 EMS SQL Manager for Oracle Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux(OS X)Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux(OS X)Platforms: Ubuntu 9.04 and Fedora 11 (x86 and x86_64) Platforms: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X 10. eccc085e13

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